Lime Rock Baptist Church

1075 Great Road, Lincoln, RI 02865
Phone: 401-334-2999

See the contact list below or fill out the form to reach out to us.


General Inquires
Rev. Gene Dyszlewski, Minister • • 401-345- 7291
Ron Rivet, Church Moderator •

Music Ministry
Jerilyn Cranshaw, Choir Director •

Sunday School and Youth Programs
Amy Brown, Sunday School Chair •

Food Pantry and Volunteer Programs
Ron Rivet, Church Moderator •

Fill out the form below if you'd like to get in touch with us and we will get back to you shortly.



From the North:
Take 95 South to 295 South via exit 4. Then take exit 9A to 146 South towards Lincoln. Keep left at the fork to continue on 146 South. Follow signs for 116 North. On the exit veer left. At the stop sign continue straight onto Old Louisquisset Pike. Then take a left onto Wilbur Road. At the stop sign, vear left. This road will become Great Road. Continue down Great Road for about a half mile. Central School will be on the left and LRBC will be immediately after it.

From the South:
Take 95 North to 146 North via exit 23. Continue to the Breakneck Hill exit. Off the exit take a right down Breakneck Hill Road. At the bottom of Breakneck Hill Road take a left at the farm onto Great Road. Continue down Great Road for about 2 miles. LRBC will be on your right immediately before Central School.